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    TOKYO FILMeX 2024

    Entries are Open



    Deadline : July 15, 2024


  • 目的 Objective

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    As an international film festival dedicated to supporting ventures into new cinematic realms, we aim to showcase carefully curated films primarily from Asia to the Japanese audience. Our goal is to extend creative opportunities for invited filmmakers and guests to engage in meaningful exchanges with members of the Japanese film community and audience, fostering a platform for innovative interactions and artistic collaboration.

  • 応募の流れ

    Application Process



    Film submission fee payment



    ・Film submission fee: 5,000 JPY per film


    ※Credit card payment only from the link below




    After completing the payment, the page automatically transitions and the "Submission Password" will be displayed.




    The page will automatically transition and display.

    Please be sure to save the displayed password by downloading the file, taking a screenshot, making a note, or using any other appropriate method.



    Enter the submission password and film details on the submission form (Google Form) and submit to complete the process.

  • 規約 Regulations

    1. 名称 Name



    2. 主催 Presented by


    TOKYO FILMeX Organizing Committee (Non-profit Organization)

    3. 会期 Dates


    November, 2024 (Dates TBA)

    4. 上映プログラム Programs



    TOKYO FILMeX Competition

    A competitive section of new films by emerging Asian filmmakers.




    Special Screenings

    New films by prominent filmmakers from around the world.




    Filmmaker in Focus

    Important works of a significant filmmaker.





    Panel discussions with distinguished film critics, festival directors, producers, and filmmakers from Japan and the international community.


    5. 全ての部⾨に共通する応募条件 Required conditions for all sections

    1. 作品の上映フォーマットがDCPもしくはApple ProResであること。35㎜もしくは他の上映フォーマットは要相談。

    The media formats that can be presented during the Festival are DCP or Apple ProRes. 35mm or other formats only upon request.


    2. 本映画祭での上映には、英語字幕版の上映素材を⽤意すること。

    All films in a language other than English must be subtitled in English.


    3. ⽇本国内の劇場、テレビ放映、あるいは動画配信サービス等で、⼀般に公開や配信をされていない作品であること。

    Films that have not been released publicly or streamed online in Japan prior to their showing at the Festival.


    4. 2023年4⽉1⽇以降に完成したものであること。

    Films that have been completed after April 1, 2023.


    5. 原則として、⽇本国内の他の映画祭などで上映されていない作品が優先的に選考される。

    As a rule, preference will be given to films that have not yet been screened in any other film festival or film event in Japan.


    6. 60分以上の作品であること(60分未満の短編は不可)

    Films of 60 minutes or more in length (no short films).


    7. 劇中で使⽤されている⾳楽やその他の著作物に関する使⽤許諾を取得している作品であること。もしくは、本映画祭での上映までに取得⾒込みであること。

    Films that all rights and clearances for the music or other copyrighted material have been obtained or will be obtained prior to their showing at the Festival.

    6. 【部門:東京フィルメックス・コンペティション / TOKYO FILMeX Competition】

    A. 応募条件 / Eligibility



    ・Satisfying all conditions in "Required conditions for sections".

    ・Films by emerging Asian Filmmakers 


    B. 応募締切:2024年7月15日(必着)

    Deadline for submission:  July 15, 2024 


    C. 東京フィルメックス・コンペティションの上映作品について /

    Films for screening in the TOKYO FILMeX Competition


    1. 決定通知


    Selection: Entrants whose films are selected shall be officially notified and invited by the Festival.


    2. 費用


    Cost: Cost of print transportation of selected films shall be covered by the Festival.


    3. 招待


    Invitation: One director from each selected film shall be invited to the Festival, with the expenses of air ticket and hotel covered by the Festival.


    4. 審査委員会


    Jury: An International Jury will select the winning films and distribute the prizes. The Jury will be composed of several individuals selected by the Festival.


    5. 各賞

    上映作品の中から、審査委員会の審査により、次の各賞を当該作品の監督に対して与える <最優秀作品賞 / 審査員特別賞>

    Prizes: The Jury shall award the following awards to the directors of the winning films [ Grand Prize / Special Jury Prize ]

    7. 【部門:特別招待作品 /

    Special Screenings】

    A. 応募条件 / Eligibility



    ・Satisfying all conditions in "Required conditions for sections".

    ・Films from around the world which represent the trend in independent filmmaking today.


    B. 応募締切:2024年6月30日(必着)

    Deadline for submission:  June 30, 2024 


    C. 特別招待作品の上映作品について /

    Films for screening in the Special Screenings


    1. 決定通知


    Selection: Entrants whose films are selected shall be officially notified and invited by the Festival.


    2. 費用


    Cost: Cost of print transportation of selected films shall be covered by the Festival.

    8. オンライン・スクリーナー送付による応募 / Film submission via online screener

    本規約は日本語版が全てに優先する。本映画祭に応募・出品することは、この規約の承認と遵守を意味する。 作品の応募は公式サイトのエントリーフォームより申請を行うものとし、パスワードで保護されたオンライン・スクリーナーの情報(リンクおよびパスワード)もフォームを通して受付けを行うものとする。

    1. オンライン・スクリーナーのパスワードは、応募者の責任において2024年11月末までは有効にするものとし、もしやむを得ない理由でリンクまたはパスワードを変更する際には、速やかに映画祭事務局(filmsubmission@filmex.jp)まで連絡するものとする。
    2. ダウンロードを必要とするデジタル・ファイルでの作品応募の受付は行わない。

    Each entrant shall be required to complete the online entry form on the TOKYO FILMeX internet site, and the details for the secure online screening link should be filled out in the form.

    1. It is the entrant's responsibility to make sure the password stays valid up until November 30ᵗʰ, 2024. If the link or password has to be changed by the time, the entrant shall be required to send the new online screener information to the Festival's office at filmsubmission@filmex.jp.
    2. Digital files for download or sent by email are not acceptable.

    9.エントリー料 / Film Submission Fee


    • エントリー期間終了時点でエントリー料が未納の作品はエントリーの取り下げとなる。
    • また、如何なる理由でもエントリー料の返金は行わない。

    Applicants must pay an entry fee of 5,000 JPY (tax included) per work through the designated website (https://buy.stripe.com/7sIcQAclY8encRG28a) before submitting their application for work information via the entry form.

    • Works for which the entry fee has not been paid by the end of the entry period will be withdrawn.
    • Entry fees will not be refunded for any reason.

    10.効力 / Validity


    Submission of an application for participation in the Festival implies full acceptance of these regulations. Should any matter come into dispute, only the Japanese version of these regulations will be valid and any such dispute must be settled under Japanese law.